Unit: Sustainability

In this unit, children can practice their forward thinking. Exercises and content stimulate their imagination and their ability to conjure up an image.

Mobility is a natural need. It has existed since the dawn of time, and will continue to exist in the future. That’s why children learn about the change in mobility in this unit. They look at questions like ‘what will the alternatives to cars be?’ or ‘what will cars look like in the future?’. This encourages children to discuss potential changes and opportunities.

In the preceding modules we covered behaviour in road traffic, taught necessary skills and sensitised children to their environment. In this chapter we go a step further. The children get to know the history of mobility. On this basis we encourage them to think about the future of road traffic and become active.

At a glance

  • Ten-page unit
  • Looking to the past and the future of mobility
  • To print: Images of different modes of transport and timeline
  • From year four

The history of locomotion

How has locomotion changed throughout history? This is the topic of both the learning unit and the following game. Have your students test their knowledge of history.